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Inconsistency Management for Description Logic Programs and Beyond (joint work with Michael Fink and Daria Stepanova)
Description logic programs are a declarative approach to access ontological knowledge bases through a query interface, and to combine the query results using rules that can be nonmonotonic. Noticeably, a bidirectional information flow between the rules and the ontology is supported, which opens the possibility of sophisticated data exchange and advanced reasoning tasks on top of ontologies. As it happens, inconsistency may arise from the interplay of the rules and the ontology. We consider this issue and discuss different origins of inconsistency, as well as approaches to deal with it. While recent progress has been made, several issues remain to be explored; among them is inconsistency management for generalizations of description logic programs, and in particular for HEX programs, where this issues is largely unexplored and challenging, the more if distributed or web-based evaluation scenarios are considered.
Short CV:
Thomas Eiter is a full professor in the Faculty of Informatics at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria, and Head of the Institute of Information Systems, where he also leads the Knowledge Based Systems Group. From 1996-1998, he was an associate professor of Computer Science at the University of Giessen, Germany. Dr. Eiter's current research interests include knowledge representation and reasoning, computational logic, foundations of information systems, and complexity in AI. He has contributed to the DLV system and some of its extensions, e.g. the DLVHEX system. He has been involved in various national and international research and training projects, and he has been serving on a number of professional committees and boards; currently, he is program co-chair of DL 2013 and general chair of KR 2014, and on the board of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and of several international journals. Dr. Eiter's work has been honored with some best paper awards; he is a Fellow of the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) and a Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Reasoning About Pattern-Based XML Queries (Joint work with Amelie Gheerbrant)
XML patterns provide a natural analog of incomplete relational databases; as such, they can serve both as a model of incompleteness in XML, and as the basis of the XML counterpart of relational conjunctive queries. We use the connection to provide a set of results that applies to some basic problems in data management, including finding certain answers to queries, and reasoning about query containment. As often happens, the complexity of such problems jumps when one moves from relations to XML. Nonetheless, we identify large relevant classes of queries for which efficient algorithms can be developed, both by adapting relational techniques and by developing new ones. Curiously, for some of these classes, no analogous results existed in the relational world; thus some of the results need to be established for relational databases, before they can be transferred to XML.
Short CV:
Leonid Libkin is Professor of Foundations of Data Management in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. He was previously a Professor at the University of Toronto and a member of research staff at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill. He received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in 1994. His main research interests are in the areas of data management and applications of logic in computer science. He has written four books and over 150 technical papers. He was the recipient of a Marie Curie Chair Award from the EU in 2006, a Premier's Research Excellence Award in 2001, and won four best paper awards. He has chaired programme committees of major database conferences (ACM PODS, ICDT) and was the conference chair of the 2010 Federated Logic Conference. He has given many invited conference talks and has served on multiple program committees and editorial boards. He is an ACM fellow and a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Answer Set Programming: Language, Applications and Development Tools (joint work with Giovanni Grasso and Francesco Ricca)
Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a powerful language for knowledge representation and reasoning, that has been developed in the field of nonmonotonic reasoning and logic programming. The high knowledge-modeling power of ASP, together with the availability of efficient ASP systems, have implied a renewed interest in this formalism in recent years. ASP has been applied in many scientific applications, ranging from Artificial Intelligence, to Knowledge Management and Information Integration. The big challenge now is to show that ASP can be profitably used for real-world applications, and can attract much interest also in industry.
In this tutorial, we first review the ASP standard language that has been adopted for the ASP competition, illustrating its usage for advanced Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Then, we report on our on-the-field experience on the development of real-world applications in ASP. For the implementation of these applications, we have employed the DLV system, the first ASP system which is undergoing an industrial exploitation (by the spin-off company DLVSYSTEM l.t.d.), and is very well-suited for applications development, thanks also to the endowment of powerful development tools, supporting the activities of researchers and implementors. In particular, we describe a couple of real-world ASP applications for work-force management and e-tourism, and we focus on two advanced development tools for DLV, ASPIDE and JDLV, illustrating their usage for advanced applications development. ASPIDE is an extensible integrated development environment for ASP.
Short CV:
Nicola Leone is Full professor and Director of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of University of Calabria. Before he was professor of dartabase systems at the technical university Vienna and researcher at CNR. His researchinterests include Artificial Intelligence, Database systems and deductive databases, Disjunctive Logic programming, Answer Set Programming, Knowledge representation and reasoning as well as Algorithms and complexity in databases and AI.Nicola is member of the steering comitte of conferences such as LPNMR and JELIA and has served on the programme comittees of numerous AI and Database conference. He has given different invited talks at related conferences´: Nicola has been appointed ECCAI Fellow in 2012 and was winner of the ACM PODS Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award in 2009. He has published more than 200 papers including more than 70 in Journals.

Francesco Ricca (Department of Mathematics of the University of Calabria)
Francesco Ricca is Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Calabria, Italy.
He received the "Laurea" degree in computer science Engineering in 2002, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Mathematics in 2016 from the University of Calabria, Italy. Francesco Ricca's research interests range over several fields related to knowledge representation, logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning (in particular Answer Set Programming), data integration, and software engineering for logic programming.
He is a member of the Association for Logic Programming, and of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence and a member of the DLV team, which is a state-of-the art Answer Set Programming system.